Friday, December 19, 2014

Turaga beach giveaway teaser:)

 "I will clean up the beach and pack what I can carry. The future awaits and I want to travel light".

Now I am wondering if any of this old “driftwood” would be of interest to the fans out there. I want to send it back into circulation by giving it away to people who appreciate a piece of the "making of the legend".
I have everything from an old (unused) Piraka crew t-shirts to laser printed layout posters with pinholes from the actual presentations back in 2000. I was thinking of making an unboxing video of the old crate you see below and choose 10 or more items of interest. 
I will make a list of the items and ask you to put in a comment to participate in the giveaway. Just wanted to check if there was any interest out there. If that is the case you will hear further...


  1. Wow, I'm sure there's some treasures in there! I'd love to see a video of your mementos and some of the stories behind the creative process!

  2. Yes, please, a video of you going over these items and talking about your experiences and thoughts about them would be fantastic, especially the presentation stuff!

  3. I am definitely interested in a giveaway.
    I also would love to see an unboxing video. I would be very interested to hear whatever stories you're willing to share that the items may have.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. That stuff looks amazing! Perhaps you should sign some of it...

  6. I am definitely interested in these items.

  7. I'm actually really interested too; all your work is great. :)

  8. Definitely in it.
    Far better than Unusuals and Australiums.

  9. Ooh wow! As always, I wish you luck for the future!

  10. Count me in!
    I wonder what other treasures lie within that box...

  11. I'd love to participate! Your work is some of the best I've seen, concept-wise. Can't wait to see that video!

  12. I'm definitely curious, too. I'd love to find out what's in the box!

  13. Am I interested? Let me think of it... of course I am ^^

  14. I would most deffinately be interested to see some of that stuff!

  15. I think I speak for every Bionicle fan when I say that this would be a Christmas miracle!

  16. Definitely interested in an unboxing video--looks like there's a lot of really cool stuff in there! And a giveaway would be great too!

  17. Great stuff! I am interested and Im sure many others aswell!

  18. I would be more than honored to even see these items, and I would heartily support a giveaway.

  19. This is stunning, I would love to see an unboxing video of this. Wonderful to see the minds behind the legends!

  20. This is an incredible opportunity. Consider me interested.

  21. I'd definitely be interested in something like this! ^_^

  22. Wow I would definitely be interested in something like this, veteran bionicle over here lol. Even seeing the unboxing video would be freakin sweet! :)

  23. Aweseome! I'd be interested for sure!

  24. That would be awesome! I'd be ever so grateful to receive one of these items!

  25. I'd be very interested in a giveaway and an unboxing Mr. Faber. Everything in that box looks awesome! Receiving anything from that box would be any Bionicle fans dream!

  26. This looks amazing! Definitely interested in seeing more. :)

  27. I'd be more than happy with seeing what's in the box, let alone getting a chance to own a part of the creative process behind Bionicle. As a 3D modeller and a longterm fan of the theme, some of the items in there would definitely be invaluable to me.

  28. Wow, I'd definetly be interested in a giveaway. :D

  29. Giveaway or no giveaway, I'd love to see what's in the box! And as someone going into art and animation now, I'd love to have a piece of the art that inspired me so much as a kid.

  30. A giveaway would be awesome! And incredibly nostalgic.

  31. I would love to see what's in that box.

  32. Definitely interested, but I'd love to see what sort of stuff is in that box either way!

  33. Love to see what's in that box. It would definitely be interesting!

  34. I would definitely be interested in the giveaway!

  35. I would totally be interested in a giveaway like that!

  36. Sounds like a great nostalgia trip for you and the fans alike. I'm definitely interested!

  37. A lot of people would definitely be interested. :)

  38. Wow, some of that stuff looks pretty cool! I'm definitely interested in an unboxing video and giveaway! :D

  39. I'm certainly interested in both a video and giveaway.

  40. That style guide and CD looks really interesting! I'm sure the community would love to see that! I know I would!

  41. I'd love to be a part of this giveaway, and to see the many items you've collected over the years. When I look at your Turaga Beach painting, it feels like it is alive! Thank you

  42. Early Bionicle content has been an important part of my creative development. It has inspired me to explore and develop my interests and abilities, more so perhaps than anything else. It would be an absolute honor to participate in a giveaway.

    If I might be so bold as to make a request, the original Bionicle story bible has always been something of a holy grail to me. Seeing how stories form and undergo development is one of my favorite things, and the story bible has always seemed an important part of that journey for Bionicle.

  43. Wow - how nostalgic! I would indeed be interested in a giveaway.

  44. Faber - I see you have the Power Pack CD and Cryoshell CD in there. Do you have any other music-related content?

    Yes, I think we'd all be interested in an unboxing video.

  45. Did my last comment go through? If so, delete this one.

  46. At first I thought the CD in there was Legend of Mata Nui...
    I wonder if there's any chance it's somewhere in the box.

  47. This is perhaps the best news since BIONICLE's return; maybe better. I am definitely interested; I don't think there is a BIONICLE fan who wouldn't be.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. I want to participate! Is there any chance that Bionicle: The Legend of Mata-Nui, developed by Saffire (2001) was available?

  50. This stuff is great!!!! As mentioned before, you should sign some! I would love to participate!

  51. Wow, this is awesome. I'd love to participate!

  52. Participation question! You're an amazing artist with a lot of talent, thank you for Bionicle, it had a huge impact on my childhood. When the island crumbled off of Mata-Nuis face, all the art of the half-Hau island came screaming back to me. That remains one of the most impressive surprises i've ever had, and im sill reeling from how integrated that concept had been from the very beginning. -applause-

  53. This is like seeing historical artifacts; I'd be very interested.

  54. I think any fan would love to participate!

  55. Nothing would be more awesome than having some of those pieces of Bionicle history. You're fantastic!

  56. I would love to participate and I would love to see an unboxing!

  57. Sounds aweseome. I would love to participate

  58. There will always be interest in Bionicle behind the scenes/developer merchandise, has not changed in the five years Bionicle was absent. I'll participate!

  59. Definitely interested! The older Bionicle stuff is awesome!

  60. Yep, I am definitely Interested!

  61. Very interested, have been following your work for some time now!

  62. if that CD is a copy of the original unreleased Bionicle Game I'm willing to pay for it

    1. That would so amazing if it was true! I hope it is.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Giveaway or not, I think an rundown of the items would be excellent.

    If you did it by year it would be the ultimate nostalgia rush.

  64. To own a piece of Boinicle memorabilia such as this would be amazing! It would be a huge honor to win any single piece of it!

  65. It brings a melancholy feeling seeing those wave one Bionicle things in a dusty old box.

    I still remember being absolutely fascinated by the mini-CD that came with the Toa. My friend had borrowed it to me and I was instantly hooked by the tribal robot concept and mysterious atmosphere.

    I would love to have the chance to own at least one of the items.

  66. So... is BIONICLE: The Legend of Mata-Nui in the box?

  67. An unboxing video would be absolutely amazing. The various forms of BIONICLE media are a huge part of what really made the line so special, in my opinion, and to see the original source material for it all would mean the world to myself and countless others.

    It's really great of you to do this. It's sad to see you passing this stuff on, but I really look forward to your future projects.

  68. It'd be awesome to get ahold of one of these items!

  69. Definitely would be interested in a video and giveaway!

  70. HI! Love your art and I would welcome some Bionicle stuff!

  71. Well, I would be lying if I said I wasn't interested.

  72. I am interested. I would love to have some of your work in my collection!

  73. The nostalgia rush. . .

    I am definitely interested in this!

  74. Given that BIONICLE has always had a large creative influence on me, I would honestly feel honored to acquire all this inspirational work.

  75. I'm about as interested as a po-matoran at a hohli match.

  76. Wow, that looks like a cool box of goodies. Totally something worth obtaining, works like these.

  77. That is The Bionicle Music cd :( but who knows, perhaps LOMN is in that box and, if so, ohhhh *goosebumps*

  78. That would be great! I would love to get anything in that box! :)

  79. I would like to see some lf your concept from the time before time. I would love to get some Mata Nui era items from that box.

  80. This is extremely interesting ! I'm in. :D

  81. That box would make my day. Count me in!

  82. I would love to have a little piece of Bionicle History especially from one of the guys that made it so great!

  83. I grew up on Bionicle and it would make me so happy to get another small part of my childhood so count me in too!

  84. It looks great! I think somebody from BZPower should receive some of these items to share its content to every fan. I am interested in getting one of these relics too. Bionicle is a huge part of my life :)

  85. I am overwhelmed with nostalgia and the regret that comes from letting my parents get rid of my comics and canisters.

  86. Been a fan since 2001, I would love getting a piece of Bionicle's history.

  87. Been a fan since 2001, I would love getting a piece of Bionicle's history.

  88. This sounds like an awesome idea! Between the mask, comics, and the Style Guide in the picture, I see plenty of interesting things from Bionicle's rich history that would be exciting to own.

  89. I would be very interested in a giveaway


  90. Man, I just hope there's enough to go around!

  91. Of course I'm interested! That's my childhood right there.

  92. I'm interested! You wouldn't happen to have the Legend of Mata Nui CD game, would you?

  93. There must be some awesome artwork in there.. ^_^

  94. I'm a little late, but this looks amazing!

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. wow, treasures of childhoods. totally interested.

  97. This would be so awesome and greatly appreciated!

  98. Interested? Of course! I need that box!

  99. The hype is real. ;P I'd love some cool BIONICLE stuff- this was my entire childhood! (as it was for many, many people.)

  100. I would just love you to take pictures and scans of all the concept art,so all this could be seen by the public.I'm working on my own project (a collectable card game)and would love to see how the art style of Bionicle developed, so I can get a foothold of my tcg's art style.

  101. Wow, this is the motherload! Count me in! :)

  102. Woah! Thank you for the opportunity! I'd totally be interested, as would others, it seems ;P.

  103. I'd be very insterested! This is a very kind thing of you to do.

  104. As a lover of Bionicle from the beginning, this would be incredible!

  105. I just want to thank you for an awesome childhood, I was first introduced to Bionicles when I was 4 when my brother bought his first Bionicle, ever since then I have bought a couple of Bionicles each time a new set was released. I would like to ask for something small or anything really.Thank you again for an awesome childhood..!

  106. Bionicle!!!! As my favorite childhood theme in terms of art and story, I would love to have some of the concept art (so beautiful!!!!!!!).

  107. Thank you for all the great memories and inspiring me with the world you and your peers created to make my own stories. I'd love to try out this giveaway.

  108. I am a little late to the party, but would love to partake! The setting and the line played a major part in my childhood and in forming my creating thinking. Thanks for everything you have and are doing.

  109. Even one piece from your collection would make my fandom complete! Plus if you have The Legend of Mata Nui game. I would be overjoyed to receive it.

  110. This sounds amazing, count me in!

  111. Mata Nui shall live on in the hearts of the Matoran who kept him alive for so long. Just as this is so, the Legend of Bionicle shall live on in the hearts and minds of the fans who followed the tales so dearly to their completion. Count me in!

  112. Wow, that'd be awesome.

  113. I'm very interested, for sure! :)

  114. I've been a fan of Bionicle since it debuted and I'd be very interested in getting my hands on anything like this. Count me in!

  115. Wow- how did I miss this post until now? Those style guides (and accompanying CDs) certainly look intriguing, as up until now has only seen the '01-'03 guide (with the original .psd files which I have spent numerous hours pouring through) and a barebones version of the '06-'08 guide without accompanying digital assets. I believe a few members of the project have already posted here, but I bet the good folks at would have a field day with internal style-guides and the like.

  116. Just from looking at the top of this box, I can tell the unboxing video for this would be really cool.
    Totally interested in this.

  117. Oh yes, there is definitely interest here! Especially if this box includes one of the Story Bibles, if you are allowed to do so, since I am myself a writer trying to learn his craft. And I have a keen interest in what made Bionicle's story work, and an "almost fanatic" interest in science fiction, fantasy and science fantasy in general. I've been with the line since 2001, my first figures being Tahu and Gali. Currently I am buying the old figures again, to replace my damaged ones, and to complete the collection.

    The style guides look interesting, and would perhaps be very useful for young artists.

    I would like to say, that every Bionicle content has been useful in the development of my own creative thinking. It gave me a spark of imagination that never died, and is still there. Thank you for all you've done for us fans :)

  118. So intriguing. And it's only the top layer........
    This will surely be a giveaway of a lifetime that no true fan can miss!

  119. These would be absolutely fantastic things to see. I must say, thanks for all the content you've put up here, and thanks for helping bring to life the epic of Bionicle. It's been an important thing to me, for a lot of reasons. So, thanks, Mr Faber, and good luck with your future endeavors, I hope they turn out well.

  120. Oh man, that loot...

    One can only imagine the stories behind that box. And you can be sure there's interest Mr. Faber!

  121. That would be stupid if I wasn't :D

  122. I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE wait... someone has probably made that joke already
    nonetheless, this is AWESOME!

  123. Nice! Very neat. Yes, I would be very interested in these things. But, I almost sense sadness. I must ask, are you leaving Bionicle? or leaving lego? If you are, can I just say, that you have been one of the coolest guys I admire. You have always impressed me with you're work and the stories you've made. Thanks for making Bionicle, but overall thanks for being Christian Faber.

  124. Extremely interested! A video would be awesome and even the smallest mote of Bionicle related dust would overjoy me. The story behind each object would be very neat to learn.

  125. Extremely interested! A video would be awesome and even the smallest mote of Bionicle related dust would overjoy me. The story behind each object would be very neat to learn.

  126. I would love to have this things, This is the things that created "The Legend".

  127. This is amazing. I would love to be a part of this. Thank you for extending this offer to the chroniclers of today.

  128. This comment has been removed by the author.

  129. I Find this intriguing! I'd love to have a part of the history of my childhood love, I got Kopaka Mata When I was 4 years old, It was so intricate, but I loved it! To have an opportunity as an adult to potentially get this...It's Tear Jerking!

  130. Man, all this stuff is great.

  131. this is incredibly nostalgic. you're awesome for being so generous. I'd love the chance to be a part of this if there's still time

  132. Huge BIONICLE fan here, would definitely be interested in this!

    And while I'm at it, I'd like to thank you for this website and all the things that you've shared with us on it. It's been a great experience!

  133. BIONICLE was my an integral part of my childhood growing up: collecting, reading lore, and participating on several different forums took up a large share of my time. I'm positive older fans would be beyond ecstatic to see the original concept art and storyboards, let alone actually owning a piece of it.

  134. It would be nice to own one of the pieces that built the greatest legend... so count me in!

  135. Mr. Faber.

    My name is Andre, I'm the owner of one of the biggest collections of Bionicle in the world. I'm missing only 8 pieces to have the only complete collection of Bionicle in the world. I'm opening a museum dedicated to Bionicle and I was going to ask you about the stuff you have here. If you would be willing to donate anything for the museum, I would be forever grateful. I'm looking for concept art, posters, anything really.

    Please let me know! I'd love to hear from you, we could discuss in depth more about my plans for the museum.

    Here is my email if you want to contact me.

    Thanks again

    1. I have tried to write on the mail you wrote but it does not go through. Do you have another mail?

  136. This comment has been removed by the author.

  137. This comment has been removed by the author.

  138. I would love, love, love to have some of the old contents that helped shape Bionicle. I myself am a HUGE fan of Bionicle(aka: Half my Childhood) and the thought of having some of the content that allowed my childhood to be what it is today: Awesome.

  139. Dear Christian,
    I don't know if this will ever happen, but I would truly cherish any momento that doesn't end up at the lego house. Bionicle was a huge part of my childhood. I made a lot of stop motion animations with them, drew drawings of them, and spent endless hours reading about them. I'm now an animation student, and I still love Bionicles as well as all of the fond memories I have of playing with them. I specifically remember one time I lowered my giant Mata nui figure over the stair banister with a yarn so he could be like a spy and hover over the ground.
    thank you for reading,
