Friday, July 29, 2016

Strange sunset on Turaga Beach tonight

no txt version


  1. This is beautiful. Brings major tears to my eyes.

  2. This Is Great. Glad your staying with us man.

  3. This is a fitting image... and it is true, Bionicle managed to survive through it's first ending, it will certainly do so again.

  4. Got me to smile. Thanks, Mr. Faber. I needed this. :)

  5. Everyone's sad over GEN2 ending, and I'm still here playing MNOG... [:P]

  6. Do you have this without the text too? It's beautiful

  7. Creative Director Faber will always be a fan favorite! Thank you for this fitting message at this sad time for BIONICLE fans everywhere.

  8. Faber you will always be a genius to me. Much respect from the UK.

  9. A legend was rebirthed, and died before...I hate to say this, but it went too fast. I've said that since the first bit of the story I saw; went to fast. Mr. Faber, allow a 2003 Toa to convey my joy that you still have in yourself the famous line of Turaga Yakama, which I now need to quote: "Gathered friends, listen again to our tale...of the Bionicle." I have one other reference of sorts to say: Bionicle eternal, fans forever! Maybe the third will bring a new Mata design...just saying Mata started it all!!!

  10. This artwork, and the original piece, brings back memories of standing on Ta-Wahi Beach in the Mata Nui Online Game. Speaking of which, Faber, I was wondering, the tribal-sounding chanting used in the music of that game, was that an OM/AUM mantra/chant of some kind? I know you were not directly invovled in creating the game, or I assume you weren't, but a couple of us fans have been trying to work on a project to remaster the game, including both its visuals, sounds and of course the music, so we are looking for the actual samples used in the music at the moment. I've contacted Templar, but they have not gotten back to me yet. Before that some of the people working on the project, who happens to be BZP fans, contacted them about possibly aquiring the source files, as well as seeking the approval of Templar. Templar approved the fan project, but said that unfortunately they had lost almost all files used in making the game, but aparently the composer Justin Luchter wanted to try and do a remastered version of the ambient music that summer, but he never did it. Probably due to lack of those files, or lack of time.

    Anyway, this message has gone on for far too long now I think. Thanks for taking our hand and pulling us into this wonderful world those many years ago by the way. Really, thank you! I am forever changed by meeting BIONICLE back in 2001.

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