"Mask of time" made from pure protodermis, lie waiting in the sand, waiting to be discovered. Waiting to give it's bearer the ultimate power. Even a Turaga who have seen it all will search for that. The power to change time. The power to create legends. It is right there, grab it and grab it now!
"The stories we hear and the stories we tell, shapes who we are and what we do". This is what I have learned from working with creative storytelling through almost 30 years and no story has proven this stronger than Bionicle. The fans was, is and will be the true heroes of a story that becomes a legend.

I made this piece of Bionicle fan art earlier this year, on request of the french fansite Bionifigs.com. It is a tribute celebrating their 10-years anniversary. At the same time it is a tribute to all who have been a part of this great adventure.
Please share this with all the fans you know. This one is for you!