Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Rebel Nature - Engage the future while there is still time to change it

Rebel Nature Story Vision

Rebel Nature is an open near future story and IP. Born by urgency, fuelled by fiction and aiming for empathy. Stories for the UN Global Goals, using all possible media platforms to engage and inspire as large an audience as possible. This realtime legend is being written all around us as we speak. Everyone alive on the planet has a role to play…

We need to give play and gaming a new meaningful purpose and the near future is the perfect place to focus. It is a place we are all going and it is yet unwritten.


Friday, April 15, 2022

Chroniclers journey - 2022 Bionicle Community tribute poster

This is a Bionicle tribute to the most amazing fan community ever. United I believe that we have the skills and the creativity to take the story further. I’m all in because this is both engine and fuel in one.

We are all Turaga now and who says that a Turaga can't become Toa again. The future story is unwritten and it only becomes what you make it.

As you move through life, legend becomes shapes on the horizon of history and as you realize how small you are on the big scale, you also find that you carry all you need to take the legend further and make it your own. Go be the legend. The future of the biological chronicle is in your hands. Your backpack is full of treasures but dont let it weigh you down. Ahead lie great untold adventures.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Article about Bionicle in Popular Mechanics

 This article in Popular Mechanics is the closest I have come to tell the full story about how the Biological Chronicle came to be. 

Link to Popular Mechanics Bionicle special

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Snitch drone vs Marlin

Mid-ocean near Caspar Point 2042. A Snitch drone and a Marlin "who is catching who"? In the near-future nature and tech will interact in ways we humans can't imagine. The mystery of near-future on planet Earth is the inspiration for Rebel Nature. Get ready to visit the reality of your grandchildren. They will be rebels