Monday, May 26, 2014

The origin of Rebel Nature

Having worked with LEGO for more than 25 years and robotic characters for more than 16 years it is clear that I am deeply fascinated by 2 mayor themes namely (kids) imagination, robots and the future of both. The last ingredient for Rebel Nature hit me like a hammer 9 years ago when I got my first child. Suddenly the future meant something else. The responsibility for a small individual but also for the future of our civilization and the nature that surrounds us became very real and so did the drive to do something differently.

I remember feeling a bit like a robot that suddenly held a new organic life form in shape of a child, in his hands and now had to learn what real life was about starting from scratch. Looking into the eyes of this fantastic new being meant that everything I did had a specific purpose. 
Awakening to the ever-present responsibility of taking care of a baby apparently tricked some creative thoughts as a side effect. I had this crazy picture in my head of a small baby crawling happily and unknowing on the steel structure of an oilrig in the middle of an ocean. It was an extreme contrast and I started to fantasize about what it would take for a kid to survive in that hostile environment. What if there was no one else around, only machines.

Suddenly a lot of ideas hit each other in one point. Robots and their future role, children and their future, the impact we have on the environment, the future of consumption and an idealistic urge to do something beyond earning money. The result is finally ready to be realized in the shape of Rebel Nature.


  1. This is gonna be one hell of a story. What type of media is it for?

    1. The bold dream is a feature film but lets see how far I can take it. I guess I'm going to need some big partners to bring it to life and I will try to attract the best team possible. I will take it one step at a time and try to ensure as high a quality as possible. Very soon I will launch an app that tells a little part of the story. The point in time where Res tries to escape RIG21

  2. You have an incredible talent for taking your own life experiences and turning them into amazing science-fantasy stories. I was amazed to read in the book "Brick by Brick" how you came up with the foundation of BIONICLE's story. And it seems that the inspiration for this story is every bit as personal and close to your heart. I wish you the best of luck on this project and I greatly look forward to seeing how it turns out!

    1. I don't know what it is but I like to tell a story like I was reporting from a trip to a place I have never been before. Doing this I simply need to use the experiences and inspiration I collect in my everyday life and try to enlarge it and combine it in new ways. Hopefully it results in interesting stuff. Most important I love to find the inner message of the story and ensure that it makes a difference. I'm a detail loving nerd so inventing tech and environments is also the best. Hopefully that can be seen in most of the posts in this blog
