Back in 2000 when not much Bionicle material was produced I was faced with a difficult task. On the CD-rom that would be included in some of the launch canisters we were to explain the Bionicle legend visually. How could I show the foundation of the legend without destroying the epic vision?. I would be impossible to produce the 3D scenes that would do the idea justice with giants rising above the clouds. At the same time explaining the foundation would give away the secret of the great robot beneath the seabed. The answer was “keep it simple”. I decided to tell the story in simple shapes of sand and stone. A circle filled with sand where the Turaga would tell the legend and keep the score of good and evil by moving the symbolic stones around. That became the stone legend and it was staged in an ancient temple in the jungle. This temple also worked as the navigation of the CD-Rom produced by Advance with 3D assets from our own 3D department and Ghost. This CD-Rom also included the small movie clips that introduced the original Toa and their environment.